Reliable, accurate, and durable, this crossbow prod is a great choice for indoor fun.
Difficulty*: 10/10
Complexity**: 7/10
*Difficulty rating is based on the overall difficulty of performing the individual tasks shown in the video.
**Complexity rating is based on how complex the project is overall, and how difficult it is to make the project look and work as it should when completely finished.
This free template
1/4″ thick (6.4mm) wood plank – anything 3″ x 3″ or larger is fine
Spring tempered spring steel ~.015″ (.38mm) thick x .5″ (1.27cm) wide x 8+” (20.3cm+) long
2mm width round steel rod or steel rod pieces
Nylon coated wire with 20+ lb test
2x Mini crimp tubes 2mm x 2mm
This mini crossbow prod is amazing. While it requires more experience to make and is less powerful than the carbon fiber bow, the things you get in the trade-off are well worth it. Being made of spring steel, it won’t degrade after time like carbon fiber can, so its lifespan is almost infinitely longer. The loss of power over the carbon fiber bow is truly the only downfall, as you also get improved accuracy with this mini prod. One reason for that is how the prod is attached to the crossbow frame, but it also gains accuracy because of the consistency in draw weight. It’s more, well, springy, than carbon fiber, making it much more fun to use on the crossbow. This is the best mini crossbow prod I’ve seen to date, and I’ll show you how to make it!