More than a year after moving out of an apartment that contained toxic black mold (stachybotrys chartarum), my girlfriend and I are still struggling with the sickness. I’ve been on a medical leave from work for around 10 months due to a brain fog and dizziness (plus circulation problems in my hands/forearms) that ail me in varying amounts every day. Mold sickness not only affects your physical health, but also your emotions. I’ve been struggling to get the determination and focus required to make progress on anything. When I do have the occasional day where my brain chemistry is good and I’m feeling motivated/happy, I definitely capitalize on it.
I’ve been in survival mode for ~4 years now. Nowadays, I can’t even think clearly enough to figure out what I need to do for the day. I typically just sit at my desk in a haze watching Facebook Reels or YouTube Shorts. It’s like that mental haze you get when you’ve been awake for 24 hours. Regardless, I’m doing the best I can and just trying to keep chugging on.
In the same time span, my standards for video quality have skyrocketed. I’m at the point where I am creating/inventing products for specific YouTube projects – products that just enhance that project to take it from decent to great. This takes a lot of time, especially with a severely reduced mental capacity and emotional state.
Regardless of this all, I still want to keep making high quality YouTube videos. My last upload, about my best miniature bow and arrow to date, received abysmal attention. It seems public interest or the YT algorithm has changed, or the market is oversaturated with that kind of content. It’s not all bad though – it gives me a reason to focus on some of the other content I want to make.
My next project (whenever that will be released) will be vastly different than my usual content. It’s something that I also love, and I think you guys will like it too. In the meantime, if you are reading this and would like to help me out, one thing that would be nice is to be fully qualified for the Amazon Associates program. I was hoping the mini bow and arrow video would get me the 3 purchases required to not be booted from the program 180 days after signup, but that didn’t happen. And now I’m running low on time. So if you could purchase one of the below items through the link (as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases), that would be much appreciated! I’ve bought every one of these items and would highly recommend them if they’re relevant to you.
Here’s a cool sandwich maker I bought on an impulse from seeing a similar product in a Facebook Reel a few months ago, and it works really well. I love it – makes it 2-3 times as fast to make some delicious breakfast sandwiches 🙂

I had to replace my wallet after moving out of the apartment. I found this one for a REALLY good price. It’s nice looking, and has RFID blocking technology. I’ve been really happy with it so far, especially considering a similar wallet will cost $15+ in a retail store.

Part of our journey to recovery has been getting a gym membership, and using the sauna + working out. I was looking for a waterproof gym bag that I could fit everything in, and bring into the shower with me so I didn’t have to worry about my phone or wallet getting stolen. This thing has honestly been a dream gym bag. Keeps my stuff dry while it gets splashed with water. Really good price too:

For the first time in my life, I pursued a passion of mine for my recent birthday. My girlfriend and I drove out to Red Cloud Mine in Arizona (that trip was quite the story, one that would require its own post) to dig for wulfenite and other gem/mineral specimens. After a lot of searching Amazon, I found this company’s compact shovel. It was American owned and didn’t seem like cheap flimsy material made in China. We bought 1 each, and we’re very happy with them. They came in handy when her Ford Focus got stuck in ~6 inches of gravel and sand. They were also amazing for digging through mine tailings on the side of a hill, and even handy for climbing up and descending that hill.

I bought these ceramic heat emitters after researching whether heat lamps or these would be better. These last a LOT longer than heat lamps (research says 5x as long) and work great. I used one in the garage to keep seedlings warm so they didn’t develop root rot when the outside temperatures were around 60 degrees F.

Lastly, I needed some micro hinges to test out one of the products I’ve been working on. These tiny things were the perfect size, and they’re higher quality than larger ones I’ve bought from a crafting store. Their alignment and quality is great. Perfect for making mini boxes with hinging lids.

Thank you for reading this. I hope life is treating you better than it is treating my SO and I!
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